Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care

More than just a dental clinic

Deidre Parkinson


deidre parkinson gc holistic dental care

October 25, 2021

Deirdre is a registered Naturopath who has been in practice for nearly 20 years. Originally, she was born in Kenya where her English parents had been stationed on a farm after World War II. They migrated to the Gold Coast in the mid-60s, where she has lived ever since, apart from one trip back to Africa after she had finished high school. Deirdre ended up staying there for 7 years, doing her nursing degree in Durban and then working in various hospitals as she travelled the country.

Deirdre is grateful to be able to integrate her services with Gold Coast Holistic Dental. It has always been her dream that natural therapies be integrated into all aspects of health care. After all, no organ or system of the body functions in isolation. Everything is connected.

She had ensured that her children always had holistic dental care, and to this day, as adults, they still come back to Dr John Sotis. When she had all her amalgam fillings removed by Dr John Sotis, several years ago, she was awed by his skills and knowledge.

The workings of the human body have always fascinated Deirdre. Even as a child her school projects focussed on presenting interesting facts about how the body works! Nursing gave her wonderful insights into anatomy and physiology, and the medical world, as did midwifery, but after fifteen years, her interests in nutrition, homeopathy, and herbal medicine lead her into the world of Naturopathy.

Her other passion is yoga. She has had a lifetime enjoyment of yoga practice, as she finds it has benefits reaching far past simply being a bodily exercise. Living here on the Gold Coast enables her to enjoy the beach, and the hinterland, and indulging in the growing arts and café culture here.