Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care

More than just a dental clinic

Healthy Christmas Treat Recipes

Christmas time is the perfect time to make some wonderful treats for your loved ones. Instead of buying chocolates or cookies, why not make healthier options everyone can enjoy?

September 9, 2019

Our Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care team put their favourite recipes together for patients with a sweet tooth. And the best part – you can enjoy them without feeling overly guilty!

Our Team’s Snack: Gluten & Dairy-Free Banana Bread


  • 2 medium sized very ripe bananas
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ¼ cup tahini
  • 2 eggs (room temperature)
  • 2 TBSP coconut oil
  • 2 TSBP raw honey
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • ½ tsp baking powder (GF)
  • ½ tsp bi-carb
  • ¼ tsp pink Himalayan salt


  • Preheat the oven to 175°C
  • Mash the bananas with a fork in a large mixing bowl
  • Add coconut oil, honey, tahini and vanilla and mix it until it is well combined. Add the eggs one at a time and mix until combined.
  • Slowly add the coconut flour, baking powder, bi-carb, salt, and cinnamon. Carefully mix with a table spoon until fully combined.
  • Pour the mixture into a loaf tin and bake for 35 to 40 minutes. The banana bread should be firm to touch and be golden brown on the top.

 Chelsea’s Raw (Dairy, Gluten, Wheat & Egg free) Chocolate Slice


  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1/3 cup cacao powder
  • 1 cup pitted dates


  • 1 ripe large avocado
  • 3 tbsp raw honey
  • 3 tbsp cacao powder
  • 2tspn vanilla extract
  • Dash salt
  • Dash cinnamon


  • Blend the base ingredients until crumbly and press them into a small, shallow pan.
  • Blend the icing and spread it over the base.
  • Freeze for 1 hour, cut and enjoy

John’s Christmas favourite: Non-alcoholic Eggnog


  • 4 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 2/3 cup raw honey
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg, plus more for topping
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, plus more for topping
  • 1 tbsp whole cloves
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract


  • Mix the unsweetened almond milk, egg yolks, raw honey, ground nutmeg, and ground cinnamon in a kitchen blender for a minute or until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a sauce pan or deep pot, add the cloves, and heat over medium heat.
  • Cook the eggnog for about 10-15 minutes until it starts to thicken. It will be frothy at first.
  • You want the mixture to get hot, but not simmer or boil. If it gets close to boiling, you can whisk vigorously and temporarily remove from the heat.
  • Once the eggnog has thickened, turn off the heat, and stir in the vanilla extract.
  • Strain the mixture into a finely meshed strainer to remove the cloves.
  • Pour the mixture into an airtight container.
  • Refrigerate it for 6-8 hours, or overnight.
  • Before serving, you can sprinkle it with a little nutmeg and cinnamon.
  • You can keep the eggnog refrigerated for 3-4 days in an airtight container. Alternatively, you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months (but this might change the creamy texture).

Our team wishes all our patients, families, and friends a Merry Christmas and a great start into the new year.

Our practice is closed on the following dates:

  • Saturday, December 22nd, 2018
  • Monday, December 24th – Wednesday, December 26th, 2018
  • Saturday, December 29th, 2018
  • Tuesday, January 1st, 2018

We will be open from 8am – 5pm on Thursday, December 27th; Friday, December 28th; Monday, December 31st; and Wednesday, January 2nd. Our normal opening hours will be back in place from January 3rd onwards.

Happy cooking and baking!

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