Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care

More than just a dental clinic

What is Joint Vibration Analysis?

Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA) involves the use of computerized technology to record and identify the vibrations made by your joints, in particularly within your jaw joints or more precisely the Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ).

May 17, 2021

Woman using Joint Vibration Analysis system to access her TMJ

JVA helps to assess patients who are showing signs and symptoms associated with a Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and also to monitor the condition of patients who suffer from TMD. .

JVA is a simple and quick test that involves the use of:

  • A headset with accelerometers on each side which is similar to basic earphones
  • An amplifier connected to a computer
  • Specialised JVA computer software

Why conduct a Joint Vibration Analysis?

Your jaw joints (TMJs) should move smoothly while you eat, drink, or talk. Essentially, if your TMJ is in good condition, it will be well-lubricated and will produce little friction or sounds when you move it.

However, when the surface of your jaw joint changes, it may produce friction or vibrations. For patients who have had their jaws impacted by force, previous injuries or their jaw simply is not functioning like normal, this may cause friction on the surface of your jaw joint. Therefore, your jaw may produce a popping sound or vibrations which will be highlighted during a JVA.

These vibrations may not always be loud enough to pick up with your own ears, which is why this assessment helps to amplify the sound. Generally, if your jaw is showing signs of vibrations, you may have an underlying condition such as TMD.

A joint vibration analysis involves measuring and recording the motion and friction made by the surface of your joint which are captured by accelerometers (1). An accelerometer is an electric sensor which helps to measure and monitor forces which act on an object.

Therefore, it is a great tool to record the slightest of vibrations within surface of your joint and the type, size, and pattern of the vibrations can help to diagnose joint disease.

What is the process of JVA?

Firstly, your dentist will place a headset over your head.

The headset is like a set of headphones except the earpieces are fitted with accelerometers and are positioned around the TMJ/jaw region.

The accelerometers are attached to an amplifier which is placed around your neck to help capture the slightest vibrations more clearly.

Once everything is in place, you will be asked to open and close your jaw so that your dentist can begin your assessment. With the help of the amplifier, any vibrations or sounds will be detected and can displayed and recorded within the JVA computer software for further analysis.

Benefits of a joint vibration analysis

Understand your joint health

A JVA helps you to understand the accurate condition of your joint health. By recognising the vibration patterns within your jaw, your dentist can identify underlying issues which are causing problems for your jaw joint.

Identify the slightest noise

Sometimes the slightest vibration may lead to a bigger problem down the track. If your dentist can detect the slightest vibration within your joint early, they will be able to identify and treat any underlying issues before they develop into a bigger problem.


A JVA does not require drills or needles and is completely painless as it records vibrations coming from the TMJs. There is no radiation or other harmful methods used.


A JVA is about the same cost as a very small dental filling.


A JVA is a dynamic test performed whilst your jaw is moving naturally unlike and static tests such as an Xray or MRI that require you to be perfectly still. The JVA even measures the speed that you jaw moves!

Highly Accurate and Repeatable Results

Studies have found that the Joint Vibration Analysis outcome variables shows accurate and excellent results (1).

Joint Vibration Analysis at Gold Coast Holistic Dental Care

Dr Tony Simeone has a special interest in treating patients who have issues with their Temporomandibular Joint. He believes using a multidisciplinary approach can help to treat or reduce the effects of TMD and is a strong advocate of using a computer equipment and technology to gain the necessary data and facts to form an accurate and scientific diagnosis that he can better build treatment plans and measure the outcomes

Dr Tony uses a JVA to help treat and accurately identify TMD cases and detect the vibrations within a patient’s joints as well as to monitor the success and progress of patients in current treatment.

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort within your TMJ, contact our friendly staff today to book an appointment with Dr Tony Simeone.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online 24/7


  1. Sharma, S., Crow, H. C., Kartha, K., McCall, W. D., Jr, & Gonzalez, Y. M. (2017). Reliability and diagnostic validity of a joint vibration analysis device. BMC oral health17(1), 56. Retrieved From: